📣 Communication
👀 Open position for Summer 2023
The overall goal of this intership will be to give as much visibility as possible to our software CoolLab and our initiatives for the open-source world. We want to raise interest in our software, have plenty of people try it, and start to raise funds through donations and sponsorships.
In order to achieve those goals the intern will have to:
- Create content for our social media accounts (Instagram, TikTok, ...) and manage them
- Share our artworks and articles on as many platforms as possible (Reddit, social media, ...)
- Maintain and improve the contents on this website
- Promote our fundraising campaign
- Any other ideas coming from the intern about how to improve our visibility will be welcome and considered with great care
- Good written english
- Communication skills, good writing
- Knowledge of social medias
- Serious, dedication and consistency
- A familiarity with one or more art software (Blender, Photoshop, Krita, TouchDesigner, ...)
- Some knowledge of programming and/or the problematics met by open-source softwares