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Details you need to know


The imgui.ini file stores the position and size of our ImGui windows. It is nice to have it on the repo so that anyone cloning it will get a nice UI layout from the get go.

But you might want to do

git update-index --assume-unchanged imgui.ini

to ignore it from your commits. (It does change every time you move a window in your app, so basically it would be present in every commit).

You should only commit it once in a while, when new windows are added for example.


We have Python scripts that can help you automatically commit / discard / hide / show imgui.ini.
They are at the root of the project and start with "imgui_ini__".


To log to the console, use

Log::info("You can use a variable, or a string like this one, which can be templated with some curly braces like so : {} {}", variable1ThatWillGoInTheCurlyBraces, variable2);
Log::warn("same parameters");
Log::error("same parameters");

The difference is that info outputs green text, warn is yellow and error is red. Also, error will trigger a breakpoint (you can use error_without_breakpoint instead if you don't want that behaviour).

Note that those logs will be removed in release builds. If you want to display a message to the end user, use Log::ToUser instead of Log (you will need to include <Cool/Log/ToUser.h> ).



Always wrap your OpenGL calls in the GLDebug(...) macro. It will add debug checks even if your computer doesn't support modern OpenGL debugging.

GLDebug(GLuint program_id = glCreateProgram());

Modern Debugging

Modern debugging requires OpenGL 4.3 or later. If you have it then it will happen automatically.

You can ignore some warnings and control the look of the messages in the Window module, under internal/GLDebugCallback.h.