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Workflow | Create a new library


If you are about to create a small system that doesn't have any dependencies on the rest of Cool, then making it into a standalone library makes a lot of sense.
We try to do that whenever possible because it encourages a more decoupled and flexible design, and makes it easily reusable by others without having to include the whole of Cool.

How to

  • Create a new repository from our template:
    • ⚠️ Make sure the Owner is set to CoolLibs, not to your personal account!
    • Add a short description. (This is optional, you can add it later if you want).
    • Make sure the repo is public.
    • Don't check Include all branches.
    • Click Create repository from template.
  • Add the library to our list of Standalone libraries under ## Standalone libraries by adding:
<a href="">
<img align="center" src="" />

(NB: Replace the two occurences of mynewlib with the name of your library).

  • Clone the repo recursively: git clone --recursive url/to/the/new/repo.
  • In the cloned repo, fill in "" and run the script: it will setup everything and then remove the Python scripts used for the setup and amend the initial commit.
  • commit as "🎉 Initial commit" and force push it.
  • Implement the library.
  • Once the library is stable and you are ready to mark it as v1, make a release on GitHub and write an article about it in our blog.