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An open-source C++ framework
Designed for computer graphics software

🥳 Easy to use

Well documented, well designed
Full of tutorials

💖 Open-Source

Fully open-source, forever
Built on top of amazing open-source projects such as glfw, Dear ImGui, glm and many others

💻 Modern

Written in clean C++ 20
Making use of the latest features
Very modular

🚀 Our main goal is to build Cool, a modern framework for computer graphics software.
🛠️ In doing so we also develop many small libraries, independent of the big framework.
🎨 With this framework we build a generative-art software, CoolLab.
📖 We also document our process as much as possible and share our learnings on our website.
🤗 We support other open-source projects and contribute back to all the projects we rely on, either through pull requests or sponsorships.
👩‍🏫 We take on interns each year because we are happy to teach young developers and welcome new contributors.

The philosophy of our libraries is to be:
  • 🎁 Open-source
  • 🚀 Cross-platform
  • 😎 Easy to integrate into any project through CMake
  • 🛠️ Easy to build from source